Parents of Minnesota —
Are you aware of what became law in the past legislative session and how it might impact your child!?
It’s time to lift the educational hood and take a dive into the educational trends that have now become required by law in the State of Minnesota, as well as how it may impact your child, your family, and your parental rights.
I. Mandated Ethnic Studies – HF 1502HF 102 – HF 1502 1st Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) (
“Ethnic studies means the critical and interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity with a focus on the experiences and perspectives of people of color within and beyond the United States. Ethnic studies analyzes the ways in which race and racism have been and continue to be cultural, and political forces, and the connection of race to other groups of stratification, including gender, class, sexuality, religion, and legal status.” (lines 4.27-4.33).
The bill includes the creation of an Ethnic Studies Working Group to establish a model curriculum, authorizing rulemaking and appropriating money. School Districts are encouraged to hire a dedicated ethnic studies coordinator, and conduct an annual ethnic studies school survey, etc.
Notice that the description above is not merely about ethnic culture – language, foods, dress, holidays, music, art, cultural traditions, etc. Rather it is about race, racism, gender, sexuality and political power. This signals a shift in which academic subjects are being hijacked to convey political ideologies. This philosophy is now mandated to be embedded in all K-12 education.
II. New Teacher Licensing Standards – adopted April 2023 – R 4615 Rule Draft RD4615 (
Despite plummeting student proficiency rates in reading (49.9%) , math (45.5%) and science (39.2%), the new licensing requirements passed by the PELSB Board of the Minnesota Department of Education COMPLETELY fail to focus on academics.
By July 1, 2025, in order to obtain or renew a teaching license, teachers will have to implement critical race & critical gender ideologies in the classroom such as: Systemic Racism, Implicit Bias, Critical Race Theory, White Supremacy, Intersectionality, Social Emotional Learning, Gender fluid identity, Sexuality, · Transgenderism, and Teaching students to be “agents of social change.”
Twelve pages of Academic Standards were deleted! (bottom of p. 22 – top of p. 36). Here are examples of what they REMOVED…
· A teacher must master the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the disciplines taught;…
· A teacher must be able to plan and manage instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter…
· A teacher must understand how students learn and develop…
· A teacher must understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills
In its place, ten pages of new Ideologically Charged Standards were added (p. 36-44). Here are examples of what they ADDED:
· The teacher understands how prejudice, discrimination, and racism operates at the interpersonal, intergroup, and institutional levels. (42.14-15)
· The teacher understands how ethnocentrism, eurocentrism, deficit-based teaching, and white supremacy undermine pedagogical equity. (44.9-10)
· The teacher creates opportunities for students to learn about power, privilege, intersectionality, and systemic oppression in the context of various communities and empowers learners to be agents of social change to promote equity. (40.12-14)
By requiring all teachers to adhere to these ideologies, the State is essentially forcing their implementation in every classroom across Minnesota, and upon your children.
This is a violation of our First Amendment Freedom of Religion!
Full implementation by July 1, 2025 – After this date, no longer will parents be able to avoid these ideologies by simply opting their child out of a particular class. Parents will have no choice but to completely OPT their child OUT of the public education system altogether. These ideologies are becoming unavoidable and pervasive. For more insight read: unmasking-teacher-standards.pdf (
III. Health Rights
HF 1 – Protect Reproductive Options Act – HF 1 as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) ( . HF1 legalized abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason, without any limitations, or any protections.
From the bill: “Every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about the individual’s own reproductive health.” This statement has extremely broad implications far beyond abortion. “Reproductive Health Care includes, but is not limited to, contraception; sterilization; preconception care; maternity care; abortion care; family planning and fertility services; counseling.”
All of these options are fully available to any individual of ANY age and of either sex in the State of Minnesota. There are NO restrictions or protections written in for minors.
HF 146 – Gender Affirming Health Care
HF 146 1st Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) (
1. The State of Minnesota will NOT honor other State’s laws regarding Gender Affirming Care and Child Custody Issues.
2. This will impact MN Families & Children – “A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and…the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care…” (lines 2.27-3.4).
3. Parent Alert! – So if your minor child expresses a desire to transition their gender medically or surgically to a health professional, social worker or teacher, etc. and you try to prevent them from pursuing this course of action, the State Government has legal authority to take emergency custody of your child, removing them from your home.
School Based Health Centers – School Based Health Centers, also known as Comprehensive School Based Health Center and/or W.S.C.C., passed as a part of the Health Omnibus Bill SF2995, Section 59, lines 222.17-224.22 – SF 2995 4th Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) ( This refers to a safety net health care delivery model that is located in or near a school facility and that offers comprehensive health care, including preventative and behavioral health services…” A school-based health center services MAY include but are NOT limited to:
• Preventative Health Care
• Chronic medical condition management (diabetes & asthma)
• Mental Health Care and Crisis Management
• Acute care for illness and injury
• Oral health care
• Vision care
• Nutritional counseling
• Substance abuse counseling
• Referral to a specialist, medical home, or hospital for care
• Additional services that address social determinants of health
• Emerging services such as mobile health and telehealth
Through these centers, children may be given medications, immunizations, and receive counseling. Thanks to the newly passed HF1 and HF146, they may also have access to: contraception, the morning after pill, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and possibly even abortion, sterilization, and gender surgeries – all without parent knowledge or consent. A student could even face immediate removal from his family and home by the State if his/her parents do not agree with these treatments.
Parents, do what it takes to protect your children!
Stay engaged in the fight for this current Generation!
They are America’s future!
Moms for Liberty – .
Social Emotional Learning – A Guide for Parents –
Child Protection League –
Read this excellent explanation in -- The Hostile Takeover of Minnesota Education - CPL Action by Allen Quist & unmasking-teacher-standards.pdf ( by Julie Quist.
Trapped! Chaos in the Classroom – Podcast by Sheila Qualls. Link HERE.