America at a Crossroads - An Urgent Message for Us in 2024
-- Please Watch & Consider Before You Vote
America is at a Crossroads!
This is a message that God put on my heart as we approached the 2020 election. The words and what is at stake is still as true, but even more critical, for us now in 2024.
In 2020, we could see the cliff approaching. Now in 2024 we are positioned at the precipice.
This is America’s last stand.
Each of us has an opportunity to cast our vote to uphold America and support freedom’s future or to contribute to America’s demise. The choice is ours.
Please listen and take prayerful consideration before casting your vote.
America is at a Crossroads…
Never before in the history of our country have our two main political parties been so divided. It used to be that both major parties could agree on shared goals while respectfully differing on the means by which to accomplish them.
But now, in this 2020 election (and in 2024), the parties are fiercely clashing because they have completely different visions for America. There is such a deep schism between them that the very future of our country hangs in the balance.
One party wants to defend our long-standing American principles of individual freedom, responsibility, and free market economy. It remembers that the strength of our government is derived from the power of the people, and seeks to uphold our constitutional rights, not abuse them. It promotes the growth of our economy by liberating our private lives and businesses of unnecessary government restrictions so that the people are free to create their own success. It seeks to empower the individual’s right to have options and make responsible choices when it comes to education and health care. It aims to protect and prioritize the American people and American interests, both domestic and abroad. It honors and supports the military who protects us abroad, and the police who protect us at home. It values and protects every Americans’ God-given unalienable right to life, from the moment of conception to final breath.
The other party no longer agrees with our Pledge of Allegiance, no longer stands for our National Anthem, no longer respects our Flag or the people’s constitutional rights. The other party wields their power to oppress – not represent – law-abiding constituents with unconstitutional government mandates, while allowing criminals to burn our cities, vandalize our businesses, and desecrate our historic statues. They fail to fund the police who are the people’s protection and fail to value children in utero, viewing human fetuses as an inconvenience to be removed and profited from. Actions speak louder than words. Make no mistake, this party aims to re-write our history and fundamentally transform our government into a controlling socialist machine.
Only one party remains PRO-American.
The other party has become ANTI-American.
The choice is up to the People. Do we want our Pledge to remain: “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Or, do we want it to become: “One nation under Bureaucratic Elites, divided by propaganda, with government mandates and socialist standards for all”…?
The choice is yours…
It is time for We the People of the United States to rally and unite as Americans FOR America!
Vote November 5th. Let your voice be heard.
Let us vote as Americans FOR America!
Vote on or before November 5th!
Find all the voter info you need at
The Legislative Impact ‘23 & ‘24
Do you know what passed into law in Minnesota under a one-party trifecta? Click HERE to see the list. These policies which passed into law in Minnesota are a warning of the policies that Harris & Walz will bring to the entire nation if elected. You can access and print this document below.
The Biblical Values Fact Sheet
What does God have to say about the issues of our day? Let us all dig into the Bible to remind ourselves what God’s values are. There are no perfect parties or candidates, so let us vote to support those who will BEST UPHOLD and support BIBLICAL VALUES versus actively work against them. You can access and print this document below.